
Hi there, I'm Blaise

waving emoji

I build Intuitive and Interactive programs through code.

Talk to me

I am a Front-End Engineer with a passion for creating beautiful, responsive and functional websites. I have a strong foundation in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and I'm currently learning ReactJS.

Feel free to email me if you have any questions or just want to chat!

Tech Stack

html5 logo HTML5
css3 logo CSS3
sass logo SASS
javascript logo JavaScript
tailwindcss logo TailwindCSS
git logo Git
github logo Github
gsap logo GreenSock
reactjs logo React
reactjs logo React Query
responsive web Responsive Design

Let's Connect!

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, if you'd like to discuss potential opportunities or even if you just want to be friends, I'd love to chat with you!

.Let's work together

I am currently open to full-time, contract or part-time opportunities in Front-End Engineering.

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